Tuesday 27 April 2021

Fancy Pants Ogre

Another classic ogre.  This time from Marauder Miniatures.  Trish and Aly Morrison produced some rather nice landsknechte style ogres.  I'll admit though that this one sat on the 'must get around to painting pile for quite some time, on the basis of just looking like quite an intimidating task to paint, starting from the colour choices onwards.  I had to get over the idea of choosing clashing colours deliberately, which felt odd.

Pleased I did it though, and pleased with the result (although the photo makes him look a bit shinier than he actually is).


  1. Turned out great! That gun in the hat is pretty darn cool, if you ask me. :)

    1. Thanks! No way he’s getting his finger in that trigger though, so I’m assuming it’s a souvenir from some poor unfortunate (smaller) for!

    2. ‘foe’, damn autocorrect!
