Friday 18 October 2024

Make it Dirty! (Scatter terrain)

 Looking at the photos I took of my 40k game, I concluded that some of scenery pieces just looked too neat.  Some muck was needed urgently!

Cue weathering being added with a mix of washes, dry brushing, and torn up sponge.

Much better!

The barrels got a liberal wash of Agrax Earthshade, then Rhinox hide applied with a torn up washing up sponge.  The crates are VJ Luftwaffe Camo Green, Athenian Camoshade, then very light drybrush of Elysian Green, before having some chain mail applied with a sponge on corners and wherever they might get bashed.

The  container got a subtle application of Earthshade to recesses - bolts, hinges, joints etc - which was immediately wiped down with a sponge; always going the same direction so that any shade that remained looked like streaks.  The floor and ceiling inside was painted with Black Templar contrast.

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