Tuesday 11 June 2024

A silly post about lavatories

Outhouse, dunny, WC,  privy, bog, thunder box.  Wherever you’re from, you’ll have your own word for the humble outdoor lavatory and, for some reason even I don’t understand, I’ve ended up with quite a few of them as cardstock scenery.

Left to right, we have:

An original Dave Andrew’s designed one from Citadel’s Blood on the Streets days, which has somehow survived many years and moves;

Fat Dragon Games, although I can’t immediately recall which set;

Three different ones from Dave Graffam (seriously, he designed three distinct versions!).

The confused chap who can’t quite decide where to … ‘go’, is the Village Idiot from Hasslefree Miniatures.

Also, thanks to this post, I now know there is a Wikipedia page dedicated to ‘Toilet Gods’ .


  1. I've still got the first on the left, but I got it from the supplement for the second edition of WHFB, Blood Bath at Orc's Drift. I love Dave Andrews style.

    1. I agree, Dave Andrews is a legend. I never managed to get Orc's Drift, or Terror of the Leichmaster, but I did have some of the buildings that were published in the Citadel Journa l and a one issue Wargaming magazine

  2. Replies
    1. Certainly better than the alternative!
