Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Rogue Trader Imperial Army

I’m going to be catching up on a few posts from before Christmas here and there, and this is one of them.

Going back to that conversation I had with Matt about whether I had any old Imperial Guard models (just a few, it turns out), I dug out my old first edition collection for review.

I had some I’d picked more recently that had been painted in one scheme but not based, loads in an old scheme I painted in the late 1980s, and some never touched. What else could I do but spend some time updating them, getting them consistent, and basing them!

 The first challenge was finding a match for the OOP GW Codex Grey - got there in the end, but you may notice the odd slightly lighter or darker mini here and there. I went for speed and simplicity over quality, but I’m pleased with how they look as a group.  Where faces or other parts were OK, I left as is, to get some variety in skin tone.  


  1. Some really classic RT minis.

    1. Some of them have definitely taken a beating from the ugly stick, but I think they’re fantastic

    2. Life is tough in Imperial Guard!

  2. That's a great collection. I love the faces -- especially on the Comms fellow. I also love the shots you took of them - the background is perfect.

    1. Thanks. I decided to have a bit of fun with the background.
