Monday 21 January 2019

Five Parsecs Turn 4 - Anarchy in the Unity

Campaign Turn 4

The crew didn't travel.  They didn't need to pay for upkeep, using the last of their looted supplies (-1 supplies).

Reece  and Nathan went trading (gaining a gift (1XP), and an Enhancement implant worth +2D3 XP).  Anul went to see the sights.  Kari , Jack, Mila and our new crew member trained for 1XP each.  They paid to Fix the broken auto rifle (3 credits).

No quest, no enemy attacks

I rolled a new patron job, 'interfere with another group – anarchists attempting  to destroy something on someone’s turf'.

Nathaniel found Reece on the Envoy's bridge, "So, what do you think of the new kid?"

"Seems legit," Reece replied "Mila vouches for him.  Good enough for me".
"You don't find it a bit... convenient?  She joins us to hide out, then this guy from the her cult just turns up unannounced?  Nothing against the guy personally, but if he can find her..."
Reece looked thoughtful for a moment, before finishing Nathaniel's thought for him, "then who else might be able to?"
The intercom broke the silence that followed
"You guys up there?  It's Kari, just received an emergency transmission from that suit we babysat.  He's got intel that a bunch of locals are planning to trash some of his peoples goodies and would we kindly get in their way.  Guess he doesn't trust the local cops to do it."
"On our way, tell everyone to load up.  And yes, Jack can bring the big toys".  He got up to grab his gear, then paused at the hatch, turning to Nathaniel "between you and me? Let's just keep an eye on the new guy.."

The crew need to hustle down to the warehouse district, where they will face off against six anarchists, intent on destroying and looting to send a message to the corporations they accuse of 'infecting; Wavell's Settlement.  I decided they'd be armed as the models: a leader with shotgun, three with rifles and two with handguns.  They have move 5" and are Aggressive.  They will approach from the north.  If they get a chance to destroy any crates, it will affect the crew's payment (even if they win the overall encounter).

The Portside Crew ready for action 

The crew of the Envoy came in from the east.  Reece had his handgun, frag vest and jump belt; Jack had an auto rifle, shell gun with stabiliser, 2 grenades and flexi-armour; Anul his blast pistol, Mila a rifle; Kari and auto rifle; Nat an auto rifle, his blade and flexi armour, and 'New Guy (I'll name him soon) a hunting rifle.  The plan was to get in position to form a stop line with at least Jak, Kari and Nat, while the rest try to outflank the gang.

 Anarchists top left, crew to right
The Portside Crew's targets

Turn 1

The crew rolled one quick action, which went to Jak.  The crew moved up to take cover amongst the crates and containers, while the 'boys moved forwards.

Turn 2

(Four quick actions this time, going to Jak, Kari, Nat and Mila).

Jak moved up behind a crate, peered around, and took a shot with his shell gun [the stabiliser removes the normal 'Heavy' penalty]. The shell exploded with a satisfying thud, tossing three of the Portside boys aside.  Their leader staggered, but got back up, battered but not out.  Kari's rifle barked out as beside him, hitting the anarchist leader's scavenged armour but not getting past, she cursed under her breath with frustration.

Mila and Nat took move up into cover.


 And then there were three...

Battered but not out of action, the 'Boys advanced, taking advantage of cover behind a nearby crate.

Anul and the new crew member took cover in case the 'Boys continued to push down the side, while Reece used the jump belt to get leap over a building and line up for a flank shot next turn.

The anarchists lost their first morale test.

Turn 3

(Four quick actions again, going to: Kari, Reece, Jak and Nat)

Frustrated at her failure to take down the gang's leader, Kari sprinted out of cover to get a line on the bad guys, ignoring Mila and Jack's shouts to keep in cover.  Bringing her rifle up, she let fly on full auto, taking great satisfaction as the two remaining gang members crumpled and fell. [CLICK], "shit" she muttered, reaching for a new magazine.

Leaning around the corner of a building, Reece saw the two 'Boys fall to Kari's hail of gunfire as he squeezed off several shots from his handgun.  He could have sworn he hit the gang leader but it seemed to have no effect as he turned and ran in the direction of the rifle fire behind him.

We need bigger guns...

Kari was still fumbling for a new magazine as the gang leader ran at her from behind the container, raising his sawn-off shotgun.  For a moment all she could see were those two dark holes pointing straight at her, before they were flung aside as their owner twisted and fell, taken in the side by a controlled burst of fire from Jak's Autogun [Jak (and Nat) used his fast action to wait and snap fire if the leader came into view, which he did, following the rules for 'Aggressive' opponents].  "Gods dammit!" she yelled. "I could have taken him!".

Caught in the crossfire

Another extremely short firefight ends in the crew's favour!  To be fair, the opposition were hampered by being rated Aggressive, which left them bunched up and a perfect target for Jak's Shell Gun, especially when he rolled a pretty much perfect set of attack rolls (having 'area' and 2 shots makes it pretty deadly, I may have to nerf it a bit); then led to the leader, as last man standing, having to charge at Kari and walk into a crossfire, rather than unloading his shotgun at her.

On the crew's side, no one got hurt, and nothing got destroyed, but Kari's pride is definitely smarting, after being 'saved' by Jak.

The Portside Boys were effectively wiped out, so the crew didn't gain another enemy. They got paid a whopping 7 credits (6 on a D6, +1 for a patron job, +1 as it was a Wealthy Benefactor).  They also looted an upgrade kit from the gang leader (+2 range for any weapon equipped).  Reece, Kari, Mila, Nat, Anul and New Guy all gain +3XP.  Jak gains a nice 5XP (+3 for winning, and +1 each for inflicting the first casualty and taking down the enemy leader).

Reece, Anul, Jak levelled up to Veteran Rank 1
Anul advanced his reaction score to 2 and Jak his Combat Score to 2

Unfortunately, after the encounter one of the suits of flexi armour was found to have failed (Campaign Event 'Equipment Malfunction')

Kari, brooding on what she saw as 'stealing' her kill, has developed a rivalry with Jak.  On his part, Jak has no time for glory hunters, so the feeling is mutual and the Crew's mess times become uncomfortable.


  1. I am following this with interest. Five Parsecs certainly does seem to be generating a decent and interesting campaign.

    1. Thanks. It's not too prescriptive as well, which works for me as I can fill in the gaps and link events how I want.

  2. Nice addition to the campaign! I like the cotton tufts for the explosion. Keep it up!

  3. Note to self: Obtain a shell gun...immediately.

    1. Handy for those Aggressive enemies that start bunched up with only 1" between them. Or a sign I need to using a bigger gaming board...

    2. Either way they'd start within 1" of each other! I use a 30" x 30" or 24" x 24" board for my 28mm games. The way I look at it, you get stuck in faster and it makes for quicker and bloodier battles.

  4. Enjoyable report thanks! I'm collecting to start a 5 parsecs campaign as well. I look forward to reading some of your earlier adventures.

    1. Go for it, you won't regret it. Look forward to reading about them.

  5. Hey, Alan. I've added a page to my blog to start tracking other Five Parsecs Campaigns. Are you cool with me adding yours and if so, would you like to supply a short summary I could put there? Here is the link:

    1. That's absolutely fine. I'll see what I can do about a summary.
