Wednesday 1 May 2019

Getting On

I've actually had a productive couple of evenings.  After being told in response to a previous post to 'get on with it' after my accidental basing progress (thanks guys), that's what I did!

So that's about 17 Grenadier Dwarves (only about 20+ to go)...

The characters for Five Leagues from the Borderland (the archer also got a bit of repair and tidying up), more on them in a future post...

And while I was at it, a few more cultists/fanatics for the Five Parsecs from Home Campaign.


  1. Nice work Alan especially the cultists!

    1. Thanks! You've cornered the market in purple cultists, so I thought I'd go for the more stereotypical red

  2. Outstanding work! I particularly like the look of bearded human. Looks like he is calling someone out.

    The dwarfs are just great too! Peter Jackson could have learned a lesson by having dwarfs look like this in the Hobbit. ;)

    1. Thank you. He's supposed to be carrying a shield, but now you mention it... Goes well with archer's gesture!

      Let's not talk about Peter Jacksons dwarves! These are more what I have in mind when I read the books

  3. Superb, wonderful job on these impressive units!
