Monday 4 September 2023

He’s just big boned!

I'm not 100% sure of the origin of this chap.  He was purchased from Forlorn Hope Games, described as a Giant Troll, and cast in resin.  Forlorn Hope have a lot of the old Grenadier Range, and the style of this just screams 'Nick Lund' - from the way the mail of the fists is sculpted to the face, which is a dead ringer for the old Grenadier War Trolls - but I don't recall seeing him before.

The pose is quite static, he's ugly as a welder's bench, and the face detail is very soft and putty like but, you know what, I like that.  He's got a lovely old school vibe, and really has that 'stupid' monster look.  He was also a delight to paint, taking almost no time at all (it took me longer to get around to the base).  He's also pretty big - bigger than the former Grenadier Barbarian Giant.

Here he is with a friend for scale.  A former Heroquest henchman (just painted up and destined for ebay).

And here's that henchman again in a bit more detail



  1. He is by Nik Lund, he was advertised in Grenadier's Fanzine - Warrior. Originally cast in metal!

    1. Thanks Rob. Your encyclopeadic knowledge of old Grenadier ranges is always appreciated :-) !
